Susanne Saenger is an independent graphic designer, illustrator, visual problemsolver, chocolate lover, teacher, mum of three … with a fond believe that GOOD DESIGN makes life easier (& more beautiful) and contributes to the SUCCESS OF BRANDS, PRODUCTS & INSTITUTIONS.
Susanne has a great deal of experience in many areas of visual communication: conception and design of diverse printed matters, book design, corporate design, packaging design for companies and institutions like Bitter & Zart (FFM), fön, KIT Karlsruhe or Wella. And many many more …
Her illustrations (you need a portrait of your poodle?…) have been widely recognized and published by newspapers and magazines like »die Zeit«, »SZ-Magazin«, »GEO«, »Greenpeace Magazine«, »New York Times« or »Wired« and companies like Allianz or Philips.
Prior to starting her own business, she was a senior designer for yellow design Pforzheim/Cologne. Susanne worked with students in Cologne, Karlsruhe and Wiesbaden as a lecturer. From june 2014 till may 2016 she was professor for visual communication at the Hochschule RheinMain, Wiesbaden.
Susanne holds a diploma in visual communication from the Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach (Germany).
Photo: Mona Breede